Provide Liquidity to DABswap for Rewards

Stake $DABCAT Tokens with DABswap

DABswap's Liquidity Provision

DABswap's Liquidity Provision is user-friendly and enables LP's to provide liquidity in DABswap's liquidity pools. This enables users to participate in securing the network and validating transactions, while earning rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies from the revenue generated by the DABswap DEX and $DABCAT Tokens.

DLP (Dabcat Liquidity Provider Tokens)

DLP Tokens are awarded as evidence of contribution to a liquidity pool, which represent a proportional stake in the total pooled assets. When providing liquidity to a pool the amount is distributed between two tokens: the primary token and the base token. For example, if a user deposits $DABCAT and $ETH into a liquidity pool, they are issued DABCAT-ETH LP Tokens. The quantity of DABCAT-ETH LP Tokens the provider receives is calculated by the proportion of that pools liquidity they supply.

Earn Real Yield

With DABswap users can provide liquidity to liquidity pools to earn rewards passively. Users will earn a portion of the DEX revenue in the form of cryptocurrencies, derived from swap and staking fees. Incentives are continuously accrued and can be claimed in DABswap's intuitive dashboard. Yield for each liquidity pool is denoted by APR.

Last updated