$DABCAT Token Presale: How to Buy $DABCAT

Purchase $DABCAT Tokens via the presale link on Bitbond Token Tool, with the Bitbond Token Tool widget on the Dabcat website or send to our wallet.

Send to Wallet:

Send ETH, USDC, USDT (ERC20): 0x237DDAc6a4a2e9EaAeA0e9BF70bd78e59f15B96B

Send ETH, USDC, USDT (BEP20): 0x237DDAc6a4a2e9EaAeA0e9BF70bd78e59f15B96B

Note: Funds sent to these wallets will be allocated to the Token Tool by Bitbond Presale Wallet: Address: 0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913

*We cover the gas fees associated with sending the funds to the Token Tool by Bitbond wallet

$Dabcat Tokens will be sent out July 19th to all investors

  1. Connect Wallet: Connect your preferred wallet, such as Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, WalletConnect and more.

  2. Select Base Chain: Once connected, select Base Chain at the top right of the page.

  3. Fund Wallet with ETH: Ensure you have ETH in your wallet to swap for $DABCAT. Deposit ETH if you don't.

  4. Buy $DABCAT Tokens: Enter the amount of ETH you wish to swap for $DABCAT and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  5. Claim on Chain: Once the presale concludes, you will be able to claim your $DABCAT tokens using the same wallet and chain you used to buy.

  6. Trade or Stake: $DABCAT will be tradeable on all major DEX/CEX's. Stake $DABCAT in DABswap (coming in Q3 2024).

Purchase $DABCAT Tokens Using the Widget on the Dabcat Website: https://dabcat.io/

  1. Connect Wallet: When you're on the Dabcat website, connect your wallet using the widget at the top of the page.

  2. Select Base Chain: Once connected, select Base Chain at the top right of the page.

  3. Fund Wallet with ETH: Ensure you have ETH in your wallet to swap for $DABCAT. Deposit ETH if you don't.

  4. Buy $DABCAT Tokens: Enter the amount of ETH you wish to swap for $DABCAT and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  5. Claim on Chain: Once the presale concludes, you will be able to claim your $DABCAT tokens using the same wallet and chain you used to buy.

  6. Trade or Stake: $DABCAT will be tradeable on all major DEX/CEX's. Stake $DABCAT in DABswap (coming in Q3 2024).

Tutorials: How to Buy $Dabcat with ETH (Base) on Token Tool by Bitbond

Last updated